When It Comes To Your Wedding, It’s All About The Details
You want your wedding to be perfect right? Of course you do! It’s thing from the one of, if not the most important day of your life so why shouldn’t you want everything to be just so? Of course, trying to make everything perfect can be a bit of challenge, especially when you’ve got so many things to organised at once. Everything from the venue, the guest list, the decor, and more is probably swimming around your head at all times. Because of that, it can be pretty easy to end up missing certain things. The little details that slip through the cracks might not seem like such a big deal, but they really can make all the difference when it comes to turning your wedding into the perfect day that you deserve. To help make sure that it’s smooth sailing all the way, here are some little details about your wedding that you won’t want to ignore.
Who will be there?
[Photo courtesy of Ibrahim Asad/pexels.com]
This might seem like a seriously obvious question, but it’s actually more complicated than it might first appear. For one thing, you should ask yourself, who do you actually want to invite to your wedding? So often, a bride and groom end up inviting people to their wedding out of some sense of obligation rather than actually wanting them there. When that happens, it can make things pretty awkward and uncomfortable for everyone involved. But the people at your wedding aren’t just limited to the guests. Everyone from the photographer to the person who’s actually conducting the service are people who will be attending your wedding, so you’ll want to make sure that they’re the right people for you.
Kids or no kids?
This is a question that many couples face when they’re planning a wedding. Some people feel as though kids are the life and soul of any celebration and that any wedding without kids is going to be missing something. However, there are also those who feel as though a wedding should be a calm, refined, adults only affair and that the sense of chaotic energy that kids almost inevitably bring should be saved for other places. That choice is entirely down to you and your partner, but it’s something that a lot of people tend not to consider. If you decide to have kids at your wedding, then think about things that you can do to keep them entertained, like a crafts table or specialised, kid friendly zones.
Seating arrangements
[Photo courtesy of rawpixel.com/pexels.com]
Once you’ve decided who is actually going to be at your wedding, you need to think about where they’re going to sit. This might seem like an incredibly small, simple aspect of a wedding but it can often end up taking up a huge amount of time and space in your mind. You don’t want to separate people into groups in a way that makes anyone feel less important than anyone else, but at the same time, you’re going to want the people closest to your to be near you during the reception. Think about mixing up family members, so your’s and your partner’s guests aren’t separated. Not only that but it’s a good idea to have a solid mix of people at every table. Outside of your own table, where you’ll likely have your closest friends and family, there’s no reason to arrange things by how close you are to certain people.